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          時間:2022-07-07 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
            Wirecard  AG is negotiating with representatives of Alipay . a unit of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, about it taking a stake of up to 25 percent in the German banking software company, a newspaper reported on Sunday.
            Without citing its sources, the Bild am Sonntag weekly said Wirecard was in confidential talks with Alipany about it taking a stake of up to 25 percent , and possibly more later. A Wirecard spokeswoman  declined to comment on the specifics of the report but confirmed that the company was in strategic talks with various partners, without elaborating .A source familiar with the matter said Ant Financial, which operates the Alipay platform, was not talking to Wirecard about an investment.
            In December ,the two companies agreed to a deal to provide mobile phone payment services for Chinese tourists visiting Europe. The newspaper said both sides had an interest in the deal: The Chinese want access to German expertise, while Wirecard would like to have a large shareholder, because its share price has come under pressure from short-sellers. A deal would mark the latest Chinese investment in a German firm after a 4.5 billion euro takeover bid by China’s Midea for German industrial robot maker Kuka.
            Alipay counts more than 400 million active users of its payment systems in China, representing an estimated 80 percent of the mobile payments market and 50 percent of the online market in the world’s second-largest economy. Its electronic wallet system is widely used in both retail shops and for online transactions.
            1、The word “confidential” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to(   )
            B. Convinced
            C. Strict
            D. Secret
            2、Which of following statement is true according to the passage?(   )
            A.Alipay will take a stake of up to 25 percent in the German banking software company.
            B. Wirecard company was in strategic talks with various partners.
            C. Alipay was talking to Wirecard about an investment.
            D. Alipay counts more than 400 million active users around the world.
            3、Which of the following event happened first in chronological order ?(    )
            A.Wirecard AG negotiated with representatives of Alipay
            B. Two companies agreed to provide services for Chinese tourists visiting Europe.
            C. China’s Midea took over German industrial robot maker Kuka.
            D. Alipay took a stake of up to 25 percent in the German banking software company
            4、Which of the following description about Alipay is NOT true?
            A.Alipay counts more than 400 million active users of its payment systems in China.
            B.Alipay represents an estimated 80 percent of the mobile payments market in China.
            C.Alipay represents 50 percent of the online market in the world.
            D.Alipay’s electronic wallet system is wildly used in retail shops and for online transactions.
            5、Which of the following is the most suitable title foe this passage ?
            A.China’s Alipay could take stake in Germany’s Wirecard
            B.China’s Alipay in the German market
            C.Cooperation between China and Germany
            D.The online payment market.

            1、答案:D 【解析】下文提到了A Wirecard spokeswoman declined to comment on the specifics,說明公司對目前的合作細節不愿意透露更多,所以很多都是機密內容。D選項正確。
            2、答案:B 【解析】文章第二段提到了“confirmed that the company was in strategic talks with various partners”,說的是公司現在和很多合作者進行戰略對話。因此B選項正確。
            3、答案:C 【解析】這道題首先要求讀懂題干。題目問的是下面這些事件按照時間順序哪一個最先發生。根據文章第三段“A deal would mark the latest Chinese investment in a German firm after a 4.5 billion euro takeover bid by China’s Midea for German industrial robot maker Kuka”,美的公司(Midea)是和德國公司合作是最早發生的。
            4、答案:C 【解析】最后一段說“Alipay counts more than 400 million active users of its payment systems in China, representing an estimated 80 percent of the mobile payments market and 50 percent of the online market in the world’s second-largest economy.”講的是阿里公司的市場份額和用戶數量。但是C選項說阿里在世界在線市場的份額達到了50%,偷換了原文的概念。
            5、答案:A 【解析】這篇文章主要講的是Alipay有可能和德國的Wirecard合作。A選項正確。



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