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          時間:2022-07-07 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
            Why is this valuable ?
            With a click of your mouse, you can review the profiles of these individuals and reach out to them to learn more about the company. If done right ,you can even inquire if they can provide some guidance on the best way to stand out when you apply.
            Why should you bother?
            Even if you don’t know the person that well(i.e., didn’t know them in school, or have fallen out of touch with the old connection,etc.), it’s still worth reaching out. Why? Companies know their single best resource for recruiting talent is referrals via their employees. As a result, many companies offer incentives in the form of referral fees to existing employees who pass along names of qualified candidates. Thus , you could help this person earn some extra cash should you get hired.
            Premium LinkedIn members get bigger bonus.
            LinkedIn also announced today their premium members will have access to additional insights that nonpaying members won’t see. For example,when premium members open their homepage, they will see recommended jobs for which LinkedIn’s data signals they’d rank among the top 50 applicants, based on the role and the experience and skills listed on their profile.
            In summary, now boasting over 433 million users, LinkedIn has given us all more reasons to find and connect with professionals in our industry, skill set, and alumni circles.
            If you’ve been in the hunt for a job in the past five years, then you’ve likely heard how important networking is to landing your next position. That’s because getting your foot in the door usually means having an “in” at the company. Studies show that 89 percent of career builders actively networked while seeking a new role. When it comes to finding a job, I tell my clients, “Your network is your net worth.” Today, LinkedIn made changes to their platform making that statement even more accurate.
            Alumni + connections = more chances to get noticed
            When you check out job description on LinkedIn, they now have the added benefit of showing you :
            any alumni from your school who work there.
            Any connections from your network who work there.
            Why is this valuable?
            1、What changes did LinkedIn make to their platform?
            A、They linked the users so that they have more connections.
            B、They added information about your alumni and connections from your network.
            C、They added recent news about the company you are interested in.
            D、They added information of salary range of the company you are interested in.
            2、Why is this strategy valuable to employers?
            A、They can hire more employees.
            B、They can get more reviews.
            C、They get higher chances of recruiting the talent.
            D、They can receive more applications.
            3、What additional insights could premium members see?
            A、Recommended jobs that appear easier for them to apply.
            B、More chances to get noticed.
            C、Connections from network who work there.
            D、Alumni from school who work there.
            4、Why should you reach out even if you don’t know the person that well according to the passage?
            A、it’s a good chance of meeting new people.
            B、You might help this person earn some extra cash.
            C、The employer will be happy to receive more applications.
            D、Your alumni should be very helpful.
            5、What is the probable title for this passage?
            A、Getting referred to a new job just got easier.
            B、Important networking
            C、Premium LinkedIn members get bigger bonus.
            D、Reach out to your possible colleague.

            1、答案:B 【解析】文章第一段說you can review the profiles of these individuals,你可以瀏覽這些人的簡歷。B選項正確。
            2、答案:C 【解析】對于公司來說,他們的好處是Companies know their single best resource for recruiting talent is referrals via their employees,所以公司可以通過這種策略招聘到人才。C選項正確。
            3、答案:A 【解析】文章中提到For example, when premium members open their homepage, they will see recommended jobs for which LinkedIn’s data signals they’d rank among the top 50 applicants。他們還可以發現哪家公司更可能錄用他們。A選項正確。
            4、答案:B 【解析】文章中說Thus , you could help this person earn some extra cash should you get hired. B選項正確。
            5、答案:B 【解析】這篇文章探討了人脈的重要性。



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