1. 首頁 > 外資、合資、港資銀行招聘 > 匯豐銀行招聘 > 匯豐銀行總行 急招 intern 一人

          匯豐銀行總行 急招 intern 一人

          發布時間:2011-01-12 18:51   來源:匯豐銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



          請在來件標題中注明:姓名 學校 專業   (僅限上海地區)
          實習工資 :60 元/天

          Job Duties:
          -  Assist in the design and establishment of HTS Intranet.
          -  Assist in the plan and organize town hall meetings, forums, workshops and m
          anagement conferences to keep HTS staff at various levels informed, engaged an
          d in sync with business goals and progress.
          -  Coordinate and promote the active participation from HBCN HTS departments i
          n the award programs organized at group & regional level.
          -  Assist in the design and launch of new HBCN HTS staff award programs, align
           existing staff award programs among departments.
          -  Assist in organizing engagement activities for HTS staff.

          Job Requirements:
          -  Highly proficient in Chinese and English Language, especially in writing, e
          diting, proofreading and distributing content
          -  Knowledge of HTML/SharePoint/Flash/Adobe Photoshop and previous working exp
          erience in a creative, technical or web environment is an advance.
          -  Able to handle multiple tasks to meet strict project deadlines
          -  Team player who enjoys a rapidly changing environment


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