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          發布時間:2011-01-17 18:45   來源:花旗銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉




          About Citi China
          Citi first established an office in China in May 1902, in Shanghai. Today Citi
           is the leading foreign bank in China, offering a broad product range. On 2nd
          April, 2007, Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. was officially launched as one of the
          first foreign banks locally incorporated in China. On 23rd April, 2007, Citiba
          nk (China) Co., Ltd. became one of the first foreign banks to offer RMB servic
          es to Chinese residents.
          Citi currently has branches and sub-branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,
          Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Dalian, operating and offering corpor
          ate banking business as well as consumer banking business. With operations in
          more than 100 countries around the world, Citi is one of the most global forei
          gn banks in China.
          Our business is expanding rapidly and we are looking for highly qualified, amb
          itious individuals wishing to progress to the highest levels of their personal
           career development in Citibank.


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