1. 主頁 > 回收區 > 經濟,金融招聘 > 上海臨官企業管理咨詢有限公司招聘金融經濟人才公告


          發布時間:2011-01-19 17:49  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉

             Leader Consulting是一家提供人才獵頭推薦, 人力資源培訓和咨詢服務的專業性管理機構。我們憑借豐富的信息和網絡,為各類企業提供人員配置解決方案、培訓外包服務和人力資源管理咨詢。
          我們的專業隊伍不僅幫助企業搜尋中高級人才同時提供培訓的一攬子解決方案; 客戶主要涉及制造,醫藥,銀行金融,電信及互聯網,公共事業,物流分撥,貿易,房地產業等歐美500強企業等。
          With a pledge of a nation-wide search that will reach a successful conclusion, Leader Consulting ( Shanghai ) Co. Ltd. is dedicated to providing search and selection services for mid-tier management and senior professionals for its corporate clients. The company consists of experienced search professionals who have been practitioners in the different fields for many years in multinational executive search firms. With solid knowledge and understanding of the culture of Asian and Western companies, our consultants have penetrating and incisive views on the development and management of modern human resource, with excellent strength in executive search. Since our establishment, we have successfully placed many professionals in multinational corporations, especially on manufacturing, trading and logistics business etc. As human capital is one of the most important assets of modern corporations, we believe that we are offering a critical service to you and our clients.
          一. 招聘顧問助理 HR Consultant Assistant
          1. 收集人才市場信息,歸納整理
          2. 通過合適的方式尋找目標候選人
          3. 通過電話或直接面試,初步篩選候選人
          4. 協助顧問完成招聘及其他相關工作
          - Collect information on talent market and build up database accordingly;
          - Screen and identify potential candidates by telephone interview and face-to-face interview;
          - Assist in candidate report preparation;
          - Support consultant to develop strategies on executive search;
          - Other jobs assigned by the manager.
          1. 大專或以上學歷, 對于獵頭工作具有強烈的興趣;有長期發展的意愿
          2. 化工,機械,電子,IT等理工科專業學生,優先考慮
          3. 良好的溝通技巧及抗壓能力,能適應快節奏的工作,性格開朗,責任心強
          4. 較強的學習能力,堅韌及鍥而不舍的精神
          - Diploma's degree or above;
          - Good communication skills;
          - Be able to work under pressure;
          - Open-minded, flexible and result-oriented;
          - Good command of oral English;
          - Solid skills in computer and internet search.
          有興趣者, 請發送簡歷至:service@leaderconsulting.com.cn
          二. 培訓顧問助理 Training Consultant Assistant
          1. 收集人力資源信息
          2. 通過合適的方式尋找客戶
          3. 通過電話方式向客戶推銷培訓課程
          4. 協助培訓顧問完成相關工作
          - Collect human resources information and build up database accordingly;
          - Screen and identify potential clients by suitable means;
          - Promote seminar and course to clients by phone;
          - Other jobs assigned by the manager.
          1. 大專或以上學歷, 對于培訓和會展工作具有強烈的興趣;有長期發展的意愿
          2. 良好的溝通技巧及抗壓能力,能適應快節奏的工作,性格開朗,責任心強
          3. 較強的學習能力,堅韌及鍥而不舍的精神
          - Diploma's degree or above;
          - Good communication skills;
          - Be able to work under pressure;
          - Open-minded, flexible and result-oriented;
          - Good command of oral English;
          - Solid skills in computer and internet search.
          有興趣者, 請發送簡歷至:service@leaderconsulting.com.cn



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