1. 主頁 > 回收區 > 經濟,金融招聘 > 美標(中國)2011校園招聘進金融,經濟人才


          發布時間:2011-03-07 14:29  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉

          1、 全日制普通高等院校2011年應屆本科及以上學歷畢業生,經濟、金融財會、市場營銷、自動化、化工
          2、 具有良好的語言表達和溝通能力,較強的工作責任心和團隊協作意識;
          3、 熟練掌握英語,聽說讀寫流利;
          4、 良好的計算機能力

          HR Officer-Training & Communication—HR(員工關系)
          Role and Responsibilities
          1) Provide general training assistance, including but not limited to training needs collection, training course coordination, training feedback tracking and various training document management;
          2) Assist in plan and implementation employee communication projects;
          3) Prepare relevant reports and files;
          4) Cooperate with other HR team members ensure the whole HR smooth operation.
          Requirements and/or Advantages
          1) Bachelor degree major in Business Administration or HR Management;
          2) Good communication and interpersonal skills;
          3) Proactive, accountable, good team-player, willing to work under pressure and with the ability to work independently;
          4) Strong spoken and written skills in both Mandarin and English;
          Proficiency in computer applications.

          Sales Representative—銷售主任
          Key Objectives and Success Factors
          1) Good planning, analysis and problem solving skills;
          2) Good negotiation and communication skills with both internal and external groups;
          3) Business driven/result driven;
          4) Customer orientation;
          5) Systematic and data orientated;
          6) Independent, Integrity, trust;
          7) Self motivated and motivating team;
          8) Deal with ambiguity / Work together
          9) Good at uncovering the problems and improving the progress;
          Role and Responsibilities
          1) Collect information of dealers: business initiative, capital and logistic platform and inventory status.
          2) Analyze customer’s overall business and AS’s potion in the recent period
          3) Research dealer’s major competitors’ strength as well as the industry environment
          4) Negotiate the annual sales contract with big account regarding company policy, P&L.
          5) Manage the trading terms agreement and rebate with dealers
          6) Develop accurate sales forecast by monthly & quarterly by SKU.
          7) Identify sales opportunity by building inventory, replacing existing competitors
          8) Monitor dealer pricing practice vs. ASD pricing scheme
          9) Follow up the sales delivery for signed project
          10) Coordinate with Retail team on new product launch and promotion activity
          11) Leverage internal resources to promptly response and solve dealer’s problem on quality, on time delivery, new product launch and promotion.
          12) Handle the AR, credit and rebate
          Requirements and/or Advantages
          1) College or above;
          2) Good relationship with customer and dealing with ambiguity;
          3) Good negotiation, influencing, presentation skills;
          4) Problem solving and following up skills;
          5) Team work spirit and strong verbal & written communication skill;
          6) Passionate and willing to learn;
          7) Good ability for planning and organization;

          Marketing Executive, BTL—市場專員
          Role and Responsibilities
          1) Assist to develop diversified sales tools targeting both trade and consumer e.g. trade literature, consumer brochure, premium…etc.
          2) Support to create diversified POSM to improve in-store communication;
          3) Support to other below the line program while need e.g. event, promotional activities, road show, influencer
          4) Work closely with agencies to develop all printing materials, POSM and premium…etc;
          5) Work with photography studio for product shooting;
          6) Stock control and national dispatch management;
          7) Marketing budget management and control;

          Requirements and/or Advantages
          1) University degree or above;
          2) i.e. brochure edition, sales tools creation and POSM development etc.;
          3) Basic project management skill;
          4) Creative and sensitive to fashion trend;
          5) With high responsibility to assigned task and caring about details
          6) Excellent in oral and written English;
          7) Excellent in Excel & Power Point skills
          8) Can work under pressure and work overtime when needed

          AR Accountant—會計
          Role and Responsibilities:
          1) Can be counted on to exceed goals successfully; is constantly and consistently one of the top performers; very bottom-line oriented; steadfastly pushes self and others for results.
          2) Can negotiate skillfully in tough situations with both internal and external groups; can settle differences with minimum noise; can win concessions without damaging relationships; can be both direct and forceful as well as diplomatic; gains trust quickly of other parties to the negotiations; has a good sense of timing.
          3) Steps up to conflicts, seeing them as opportunities for improvement; can hammer out tough agreements and settle disputes equitably; good at focused listening; understands others quickly; can find common ground and get cooperation with minimum noise.
          4) Sees ahead clearly; can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately; has broad knowledge and perspective; is future oriented; can articulately paint credible pictures and visions of possibilities and likelihood’s; can create competitive and breakthrough strategies and plans

          1) Bachelor degree or above, major in accounting is preferred.
          2) Excellent analytical and economic modeling skill
          3) Initiative, active, comprehensibility and good team player
          Good communication skill and analytical ability

          • 報名時間:2011年1月17日-2011年2月28日

          • 報名方式:應聘者將個人簡歷(附照片)投遞至zhang.yang@amstd.com

          • 郵寄地址:上海市田林路487號寶石園24號樓

          • 聯系電話:021-33952888

          • 聯系人員:張先生

          → 1、復試時間定于2011年3月上旬。準確時間以具體通知為準。
          → 2、復試等相關信息將通過電子郵件、短信或電話通知,請應屆畢業生在填寫簡歷時注明有效的電子
          → 3、報名人員應對提交的信息和材料負責,凡弄虛作假的,一經查實,一律取消考試資格或錄用資格。





          與歐洲同步的產品設計,創新的衛浴科技,以及整體解決方案的高質量服務,是美標對所有客戶的承諾,也就是“設計解決方案”的含義。美標力邀全球著名設計師如Marc Newson、David Chipperfield,Tomas Fiegl 和 Achim Pohl, 以及Ronen Joseph, 等等把最前沿時尚的歐洲設計帶入中國,感謝這些著名設計師,使我們的產品贏得了不勝枚舉的國際獎項:如REDDOT紅點?保琁F,Design Plus, 等等。與歐洲和美國同步上市的產品讓中國消費者第一時間體驗歐洲最新的流行時尚。



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