1. 主頁 > 面試考題 > 歷年真題 > 2015工商銀行校園招聘英語試題及答案解析


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          PART Ⅰ: INCOMPLETE SENTENCES Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

            1. Food products containing chocolate are subject to a ______ of up to 35 percent when imported to Japan. A. test B. tariff C. souvenir D. shipment

            2. The Hinman University Math Team ______ in the 27th annual International Collegiate Math Olympics. A. participate B. participant C. participated D. participative

            3. Mr. Voorhies planned to send the dresser and bed that ______ purchased in Bali to the Netherlands. A. he B. his C. him D. himself

            4. Actress Lisa Ross--Ellis filed a lawsuit against The Entertainment Files magazine over false ______ made in their November issue. A. accuse B. accusative C. accusations D. accusatory

            5. Although subway fare was cheaper, Danielle chose to take a taxi to the concert hall ______ she would not be late. A. so B. or C. but D. and

            6. According to the travel Web site, many travelers ______ staying at the Reliant Hotel in Hanoi. A. testify B. conclude C. recommend D. disappoint

            7. Students taking the entrance exam are required to provide their student ______ number. A. identify B. identifiable C. identifiably D. identification

            8. ______ to use crutches for six months severely limited Mr. Locke's ability to work in the shipping facility. A. Has B. Have C. Having D. Has had

            9. I've been waiting for him for ______ hour and ______ half. A. ×; × B. the; a C. a; × D. an; a

            10. Who draw ______ Jack? A. so well as B. as well as C. so better than D. as good as

            11. What ______ you do this Sunday if it ______? A. do, will rain B. will, rain C. do, rains D. will, rains

            12. I wish it ______ fine tomorrow. A. would be B. will be C. is D. to being

            13. All the girls swam in the lake except two, who ______ halfway. A. gave off B. gave up C. gave away D. gave out

            14. --Can I get the house cheaper? --Sorry, it's ______ my power to sell it any cheaper. A. without B. except C. beyond D. out

            15. Many people believe we are heading for an environmental disaster (災難) ______ we radically (根本地) change the way we live. A. but B. though C. unless D. in case


            President Arling has put his long-awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress. It provides a coordinated program of investment credits, research grants, educational reforms, and tax changes designed to make American industry more competitive. This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years The most liberal wing of the President's party has called for stronger and more direct action. They want an incomes policy to check inflation while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs. The Republicans, however, decry even the modest, graduated tax increases in the President's program. They Want tax cuts and a more open market. They say if Federal money has to be injected into the economy, let it through defence spending. Both these alternatives ignore the unique nature of the economic problem before us. It is not simply a matter of markets or financing. The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it. But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship in the world economy. If an industry cannot lever itself up to the leading stage of technological advances, then it will not be able to compete effectively. I fit cannot do this, no amount of government protectionism or access to foreign markets can keep it profitable for long. Without the profits and experience of technological excellence to reinvest, that industry can only fall still furtherbehind its foreign competitors. So the crux is the technology and that is where the President's program focused. The danger is not that a plan will not be passed, it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact. If we fail to restructure our economy now, we may not get a second chance.

            16. The focus of the President's program is on ______. A. investment B. economy C. technology D. tax

            17. What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party? A. They want a more direct action. B. They want an incomes policy to check inflation. C. They want to rebuild industry. D. They want a wall of protective tariffs.

            18. What is the editor's attitude? A. Support. B. Distaste. C. Disapproval. D. Compromise.

            19. The danger to the plan lies in ______. A. the two parties' objection B. different ideas of the two parties about the plan C. its passage D. distortion

            20. The passage is ______. A. a review B. a preface C. an advertisement D. an editorial1.A [解析] be subject to表示“接受,經受”;test有“檢驗,化驗”的意思;tariff表示“關稅,價目表”;souvenir表示“紀念品”;shipment表示 “船運,貨物”。因此,A項符合題意,句子的意思是:出口到日本的含有巧克力的食品中有35%要接受檢驗。

            2.C [解析] 本句缺少一個動詞,此空應該填入一個動詞,故排除B項和D項。主語是第三人稱單數,句子的時態如果是一般現在時,則動詞應該在詞尾加S,故排除A項。故本題正確答案為C。

            3.A[解析] that引導的是一個定語從句,從句缺少主語,應該填入人稱代詞的主格形式。故本題正確答案為A。

            4.C[解析] accuse是動詞,表示“譴責,控告”;accusative表示“賓格(的)”;accusation是名詞,表示“指控,罪 名”;accusatory是形容詞,表示“責難的,指責的,控訴的”。根據上下文,這里應該填入一個名詞,作為定語從句的先行詞。故本題正確答案為C。

            5.A [解析] 這里需要填入一個表示因果關系的連詞,句子的意思是:雖然地鐵票價比以前更便宜了,但是Danielle還是選擇坐出租車去音樂廳,這樣她就不會遲到了。故本題正確答案為A。

            6.C[解析] testify表示“作證,證明”;conclude表示“結束”;recommend表示“建議”;disappoint表示“使失望”。根據題意,這里填recommend最符合題意。故本題正確答案為C。

            7.D[解析] identification number表示“標識號”,其他各項都不符合題意,句子的意思是:參加入學考試的學生都要提供他們的學號。故本題正確答案為D。

            8.C [解析] “______ to use crutches for six months”作句子的主語,所以應該用動名詞短語作主語。故本題正確答案為C。

            9.D[解析] “an hour and a half”表示“一個半小時”。其他選項都不成立。


            [解析] draw是動詞,修飾動詞的應該是副詞,good是形容詞,不符合題意,排除D項。沒有so+比較級+than的說法.排除C項。so well as只用于兩者相比較的否定句,as well as可用于肯定句和否定句。故選B。11.D [解析] 根據this Sunday知道主句用一般將來時,而if引導的從句用一般現在時表將來,所以答案選D。

            12.A [解析] wish后的賓語從句用虛擬語氣,這里表示對將來的愿望,因此賓語從句的謂語形式是would be,故選A。

            13.B [解析] give up意為“放棄”;give out意為“分發,發出(氣味、熱等),發表,用盡,精疲力竭”;give away意為“送掉,分發,放棄,泄露,出賣”;give off意為“發出(蒸汽、光等),長出(枝、杈等)”。

            14.C [解析] beyond one's power是固定搭配,表示“超出某人的能力”,故選C。

            15.C [解析] 句意為“很多人認為,除非我們從根本上改變生活方式,否則我們將面臨巨大的環境災難”。unless有“否則,如果不”之意,所以選C。

            16.C[解析] 通過第四段的“The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it. But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship…”及最后一段第一句“So the crux is the technology and that is where the President's program focused. ”可以推出總統計劃的要點在技術,C正確。

            17.A[解析] 通過第二段的“The most liberal wing of the President's party has called for stronger and more direct action. They want an incomes policy to check inflation while Federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs. ”可知,B、C、D項都只是他們要求中的部分內容,不完整。本題正確答案為A。

            18.A [解析] 通過最后兩段可以看出評論者的觀點,支持的理由和論點,A項正確。

            19.D [解析] 通過最后一段的“The danger is not that a plan will not be passed,it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact. ”容易推出D項正確。

            20.D[解析] 本題應注意社論和評論的區別:社論也是評論的一種,但它是報紙主編所撰,常常是有關國內外大事的評論。D項正確。


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