1. 摩根大通銀行招聘信息

          發布時間:2010-01-07 16:48   來源:摩根大通銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



          公司名稱:摩根資產管理(JPMorgan Asset Management)
          摩根資產管理(JPMorgan Asset Management)為全球著名金融服務集團“摩根大通”(J.P.Morgan Chase & Co.)旗下的資產管理業務品牌。摩根資產管理為全球首屈一指的資產管理專家,產品涵蓋股票、固定收益、對沖基金、私募基金、地產與多重貨幣管理等,為國際金融機構、法人與個人提供多元化的資產管理服務,共管理資產1.3萬億美元。
          - 負責在上海地區拓展銀行系 QDII業務
          - 制定在上海地區的業務銷售方案
          - 維持和當地合作銀行的良好關系,以確保銷售方案的落實
          - 和合作銀行一期開展 QDII產品的首發或持續營銷活動,為合作銀行提供及時的幫助以便達成較高的客戶滿意度
          - 識別銀行的業務需求,并提供相應的解決方案,就該方案向客戶進行解釋和說明
          - 大學本科學歷或以上,金融、管理或其他相關專業
          - 通過CFA 一級考試
          - 至少兩年在銀行業或基金管理行業工作經驗,上海地區優先
          - 良好的溝通、演講和談判技巧
          - 個性積極,具有較好的團隊精神
          - 中英文流利, 懂上海話者優先
          - 能適應經常出差
          Company: JPMorgan Asset Management
          The brand name “JPMorgan Asset Management” covers the asset management activities of JPMorgan Chase & Co. globally. JPMorgan Chase & Co. was created through the merger between our  ultimate parent company, The Chase Manhattan Corporation, and J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated in December 2000. This followed the acquisition of Robert Fleming Holdings Limited by The Chase Manhattan Corporation in August 2000. In July 2004, JPMorgan Chase & Co. merged with Bank One Corporation and in March 2008 the company announced that it is acquiring The Bear Stearns Companies Inc.*
          JPMorgan Chase & Co. is a publicly-quoted company on the New York and London Stock Exchanges, and is one of the world’s premier financial services institutions. Our experience in investment management has established a truly global presence including an enviable reputation as one of the world’s largest fund managers with almost US$1.2 trillion* of assets under management, sourced from multinational corporations, private and public pension funds, central banks, public agencies and retail investors.
          Location: Hong Kong
          Job Title: Business Manager - China Retail Sales
          Job Responsibilities:
          - Expand QDII business under the CBRC administration in Shanghai, China
          - Participate in developing and formulating the sales plan in Shanghai, China
          - Maintain the relationship with banks to ensure the sales plan's implementation
          - Perform the IPO or relaunch campaigns of QDII products with partners and provide the timely support to achieve high-level client satisfaction
          - Identify the partner banks' demands, prepare the solutions and conduct the product pitching to clients
          Qualification Requirements:
          - Degree holder in Business, Finance or related disciplines
          - CFA Level 1 candidate
          - Minimum of 2 to 3 years' working experience in local banks or fund management companies, working experience in Shanghai preferred
          - Good communication, presentation and negotiation skills
          - High energy level, self motivated and a good team player
          - Spoken and written fluency in English and Chinese, knowledge of Shanghai dialect would be an advantage
          - Able to travel frequently
          Application Link:


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