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          盤谷銀行招聘Application Specialist-IT Division

          發布時間:2010-06-03 18:23   來源:盤谷銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



          Application Specialist-IT Division詳情
          簡歷投遞: recruitment@bangkokbank.com.cn
          職位性質: 全職/見習
          有效日期: 2010年06月03日 至 2010年07月03日
          招聘人數: 1 人
          工作地點: 上海
          Application Specialist-IT Division職位描述: 

          • To select cost effective solutions in satisfying customer needs, including selecting vendors and reviewing vendor’s solutions
          • To estimate budget of individual application solutions
          • To lead in application support
          • To responsible for maintaining IT application structure
          • To ensure principles, standards, and policies originating from Parent Bank are applied locally
          • To formulate and maintain Application development processes, and through cooperation with application solution vendors, resolved Application issues and address new functional requirements.
          • To ensure quality of deployed applications
          • To be responsible for second line support, work with vendors to resolve Application incidents/problems
          • Plan/construct/test Application Change solution, formulate Change Job Slips, hand over to operators to execute
          • To assist in formulating operating procedures for Operators
          • To perform other tasks as assigned by Application Section Chief

          Job Specifications:

          Technical Knowledge
          • Bachelor degree in Information Technology or related field
          • Deep understanding on application architecture
          • Basic understanding on implementation methodology.
          • Basic understanding on industry application

          • Basic understanding of application operation.
          • Ability to handle application incident quickly
          • Good knowledge on application and familiar on related maintenance method
          • Need to be on working shift
          • Good communication skill
          • Ability to develop operation procedure

          • Officer - Minimum 3 years application maintenance experience
          • Clerk – Minimum 1 year application maintenance experience
          本銀行由泰國最大的商業銀行盤谷銀行 (大眾有限公司)全資所有。1954年,盤谷銀行 (大眾有限公司)首家海外分行在香港設立。1986 年,盤谷銀行 (大眾有限公司)在北京設立代表處,之后在上海、廈門、北京、深圳設立分行。除此之外,在香港、臺灣、新加坡、越南、老撾、菲律賓、日本、倫敦、紐約也設有分行,在緬甸設有代表處,馬來西亞設有全資子公司。盤谷銀行(中國)有限公司于 2009 年12 月28 日從外資銀行分行轉制成外商獨資銀行,總行設于上海。原有的上海、廈門、北京、深圳分行轉成獨資銀行的分行。



          電子郵箱: recruitment@bangkokbank.com.cn
          企業網址: http://www.bangkokbank.com.cn


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