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          大華銀行招聘銀行IT Infrastructure 實習生

          發布時間:2011-05-18 18:15   來源:大華銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



          Division: System and IT Infrastructure
          Job Responsibilities:
          - Providing assistance and planning for overall activities in IT infrastructure area
          - Assisting colleagues to follow IT documentations
          - Managing IT helpdesk hotline and task distribution
          - Assisting on client implementation and branch coordination
          - Information Technology related
          - At least 3 or 4 days one week
          - Good command of both spoken and written English and Mandarin
          - Good communication and interpersonal skills
          - Hardworking and commitment to position
          Please send your resume to: shanghai.recruitment@uobgroup.com with "Banking Intern_Name_University_Grade" as the subject. And please highlight your available working time in the email (e.g. 4 days/week, for 4 months from May 2011), thanks.


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