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          發布時間:2010-06-04 22:06   來源:渣打銀行招聘 查看:打印  關閉



          For the internship:
           Cash Management Service Clerk 現金服務部操作文員
           Scope of Role:
          -To process daily transactions include AC opening/AC maintenance /AC closing for corporate clients efficiently and accurately 
          -To fully observe the current policies, operations procedures, service standard and regulations requirements when processing transactions in CMS Team.
          Key Responsibilities/Challenges:
          -To ensure processing daily transactions are in accordance with the established policies, operations procedures, service standard and risk mitigation requirements;
          -To ensure daily transations are all processed timely and accurately;
          -To ensure daily operations processing in compliance with regulatory requirements/guidelines;
          -To ensure submission all reports to regulators and head office timely and accurately;
          -To comply with the Money Laundering Prevention Policy/Guideline/Procedure and the Code of Conduct;
          -To be alert at all times to unsusual or possibly suspicious customer activity and report promptly any suspicious activity to Business Money Laundering Prevention Officer (BMLPO) and line manager as well as Country MLPO if considered necessary;
          Qualifications & Skills:
          -university student in the third grade
          -CET 4 or above


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