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          大新銀行深圳分行招聘RMB Clearing Officer公告

          發布時間:2007-08-29  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
          銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:銀行 分行 公告 深圳 大新

          RMB Clearing Officer 
          電子郵箱: dsbhrd@dahsing.com 
          發布日期: 2007-08-29
          工作地點: 深圳市 
          招聘人數: 3
          工作年限: 三年以上 
          外語要求: 英語 熟練
          薪水范圍: 面議 
          學    歷: 本科
          Perform routine RMB operations and cash counter services, including: RMB clearing, CNAPS process, Cash deposit and withdrawal, RMB bill discounting, RMB business activity reporting and statistics required by PBOC, with the objective to achieve a good and effective support to other department/ business lines, to keep better compliance with requirement of local authorities and to provide good professional services to customers.
          Dah Sing Bank Ltd was established in 1947. In 1987, Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd was successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In the decade that followed, we strengthened our presence in the insurance business with the establishment of Dah Sing Life Assurance Co. Ltd in 1990 and Dah Sing General Insurance Co. Ltd in 1999. In April 2001, MEVAS Bank was established with the aim to improve the quality of our customers’ lives by offering them innovative financial products and making effective use of appropriate modern technology.
          The first Mainland branch of Dah Sing Bank in Shenzhen commenced business in July 2004, focusing on supporting the Group’s commercial banking customers operating in Southern China. This marked the first step to expand the banking business into the Pearl River Delta region.
          We are inviting high caliber people to join us. We will empower you to craft a sustainable, rewarding and challenging future for yourself.
          If you are interested in the position, please send your resume both in English and Chinese, specifying current and expected salaries, and contact telephone number via email or mail to us. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted within 2 months for assessment.

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