1. 主頁 > 綜合銀行招聘信息 > 花旗銀行廣州分行招聘CGA Supervisor 個人銀行業務主管公告

          花旗銀行廣州分行招聘CGA Supervisor 個人銀行業務主管公告

          發布時間:2007-09-03  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
          銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:銀行 分行 業務 廣州 花旗銀行

          CGA Supervisor 個人銀行業務主管gz 
          電子郵箱: south.hr.china.gcg@citigroup.com 
          發布日期: 2007-09-03
          工作地點: 廣州市
          招聘人數: 若干
          工作年限: 三年以上 
          外語要求: 英語 熟練
          薪水范圍: 面議 
          學    歷: 本科
          接受簡歷語言: 中文和英文
          -To assist branch manager to manage a team of sales force for new customer acquisition and be fully responsible for the team’s P/L.
          -To establish, maintain and manage the relationship with potential customers and deliver highest level of service
          -To train, grow, and coach the sales people in terms of skills and professionalism
          -To ensure all team members clearly and thoroughly understand and strictly adhere to the requirements of compliance and internal control on sales activities

          -University graduate with over 3 years relevant sales and financial experience
          -Has the experience in managing a sizable sales team and know how to motivate and manage the team.
          -Customer focused and is capable in growing the business
          -Fluent in written and oral English
          -Strong leadership, social network and interpersonal skills
          -Able to work under great pressure
          Citibank is recognized as one of the most successful international financial institutions in the world. Our business is expanding rapidly and we are looking for highly qualified, ambitious individuals wishing to progress to the highest levels of their personal career development in Citibank.
          Citibank is a leading global commercial bank!We provide challenging and rewarding career opportunities with the vacancy:
          Successful candidate will be provided with superior career development opportunities and competitive remuneration package. If you are interested in the position please send your CV (English & Chinese) to us.
          (Please indicate position applied & "51Job" on the envelope)
           地    址: 天河區體育東路118號財富廣場101室
          郵政編碼: 510620
          傳    真: (020)38931618
          聯 系 人: 人力資源部
          電子郵箱: south.hr.china.gcg@citigroup.com

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