1. 主頁 > 綜合銀行招聘信息 > 德國西德銀行股份有限公司上海分行招聘實習生


          發布時間:2008-04-03  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
          銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:分行 上海 實習生 西德 德國

          As one of Germany's leading financial service providers, WestLB AG is a European commercial bank firmly rooted in North Rhine-Westphalia.  It is the central institution for the savings banks in North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg, and as an internationally operating commercial bank, it acts as their link to the global financial markets. Working in close partnership with the savings banks, WestLB offers the full range of products and services of a universal bank, focusing on lending, structured finance, capital market and private equity products, asset management, transaction services and real estate finance.

          WestLB's head office is situated in Düsseldorf and Münster.  The Bank has a number branch offices across the world.


          Job content: Intern in treasury department for 3 months


          1. Some knowledge of banking for Finance;

          2. Fluent spoken & written English;

          3. Be easy to communicated

          Pls mention the email subject as "Treasury Intern application from XX(name)", otherwise, it will not be accepted.


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