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          發布時間:2009-09-02 19:08   來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉



          進入職位搜索頁面,在"Country"中選擇“China”,然后根據自身情況選擇“Employment Type”及“Division”。


          Global Associate Programs

          If you have 2-5 year's work experience and are studying towards an MBA at a Business School, you will be suited to our Global Associate Programs.

          Deutsche Bank offers Associate Internships and Training Programs. Details of both can be found in the MBAs section of the careers web site. You may be able to apply for our Associate Programs via your campus Career Management Center but if that is not an option at your university, you may apply directly to Deutsche Bank by registering here and attaching a copy of your resume and cover letter in one document. Your information will be sent immediately to the relevant recruiter.


          Global Analyst Programs

          If you are studying towards your undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you will be suited to our Global Analyst Programs. Deutsche Bank offers Analyst Internships and Training Programs. Details of both can be found in the Graduate/Undergraduate section of the careers website. You may be able to apply for our Analyst Programs via your campus Career Management Center (but if that is not an option at your university, you may apply directly to Deutsche Bank). Your information will be sent immediately to the relevant recruiter.


          Local Graduate Analyst Program

          This is for local graduates who are currently studying or who have recently graduated and who wish to pursue an immediate local job opportunity and add value directly.


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