1. 主頁 > 綜合銀行招聘信息 > [北京]德意志銀行 PBC COO Office招聘實習生啟事

          [北京]德意志銀行 PBC COO Office招聘實習生啟事

          發布時間:2010-01-22  截至日期:已過期  來源:綜合銀行招聘信息 查看:打印  關閉
          銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:銀行 啟事 北京 實習生 德意志


          Job Descriptions
          1) Process Returned Mails according to process;
          2) PBC Mailbox letter collection, sorting, and distribution;
          3) Assist Internal Control Officer in year-end customer balance check response collection, and reporting
          4) Under supervision, assist Internal Control Officer in IT equipment inventory and process maintenance;
          5) Under supervision, assist Internal Control Officer in other supportive tasks, such as license status tracking, weekly news consolidation, etc.

          Qualification Requirements:
          At least 4 days a week in 3 months (must)
          Diligent and capable and reliable
          highly self-motivated, result-driven and ability to work independently under high pressure
          teamwork player
          excellent command of English and Chinese (translation background preferred)

          請將中英文簡歷發送到 careers.cn@db.com
          注意:務必在郵件標題中注明"Apply for PBC COO Intern_XX大學_XX(your name)"否則郵件將有可能被過濾,謝謝

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