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          發布時間:2010-09-21 21:05  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉

          Arthur D. Little
          Campus Recruitment
          1. Introduction of Arthur D. Little
          2. Campus Talk Schedule
          3. Position (Full-time & Part-time)
          4. Recruiting Process
          5. How to Apply
          6. Campus Talk Speaker Profile
          1. Introduction of Arthur D. Little
          Arthur D. Little, founded in 1886, by Arthur Dehon Little and Roger Griffin who together were pioneers in the area of “management consulting”, is the world’s first management consultancy.
          理特管理顧問公司是全球第一家管理咨詢公司,由麻省理工大學教授Arthur Dehon Little和Roger Griffin于1886年創建。
          Over 120 years of development, Arthur D. Little today has more than 1,000 staff members in 35 offices around 20 countries of the world. Arthur D. Little has a reputation of working in the most complex global industries and has specialist teams in Automotive & Manufacturing, Chemicals, Energy & Utilities, Financial Service, Healthcare, Private Equity, Telecom, Media & Electronics. More than 75% of Fortune 100 Companies in addition to many other leading firms and public sector organizations have been the clients of Arthur D. Little.
          This working style has paid off in China since the firm opened its Hong Kong office in 1986 and Shanghai office in 2004. With its international expertise and local experience, Arthur D. Little China is committed to delivering sustainable solutions and solving the most complex business issues for both Chinese and international companies. It has gained good reputation within a few years in China
          1986年理特咨詢香港公司成立, 2004年理特咨詢進入上海北京, 其特有的工作風格在中國土地上得到了延續,并取得卓越成功。理特咨詢中國團隊結合公司先進的國際資源和豐富的本地經驗,為跨國公司和中國本土企業的中國業務提供長期持續有效的解決方案,并結合戰略、創新和技術,為客戶解決最復雜商業問題, 公司在短短的幾年時間里迅速在中國業內獲得良好聲譽。
          2. Campus Talk Schedule
          3. Position (Full-time & Part-time)
          Business Analyst (Full-time)
          Major Responsibilities
          • Participate project and work intensively with project management to ensure successful delivery of project objectives and client expectations
          • Support senior staff to build and strengthen the firm’s market position and brand as one of the key multinational management consulting firms in China across the key focus industries
          • Develop knowledge and experience in case work, client management or innovative product/service development to improve case work or follow-up projects
          • Support the development of new methodologies and products, marketing activities and presentations to raise firm performance and profile
          • Master/bachelor degree from one of top universities in and out of China, major in management, economics, engineering, chemistry, etc. is preferred
          • Strong track record in education
          • Working and intern experiences in world top management consulting firm will be an extra plus
          • Working and intern experiences in automotive, manufacturing, chemical, petrochemical, oil & gas, utilities, etc. will be an extra plus
          • Basic skills in analysis and problem solving are essential. In addition, ability to make quality judgments and strength in strategic thinking will be required
          • Ability to work in a fast paced environment with multiple priorities
          • Business-level fluent in both spoken and written Mandarin Chinese and English
          Internship (Part-time)
          Major responsibility
          • Conduct desk research and phone calls to collect data
          • Support our consultants in face-to-face interviews
          • Perform analysis and translate into key messages
          • Create reports in the analysis context to agreed standard and timing
          • Graduate or undergraduate students expected to graduate in 2012
          • Intensive interests in and passion for pursuing consultancy as a career, internship experience with other top management consulting companies is a plus
          • Major in automotive, engineering, chemical, energy, EE, business, economics, finance, etc.
          • Good knowledge and sense of business
          • Superb listening, speaking, and writing capability in business English and Chinese
          • Strong computer (PPT, Word and Excel) skills
          • At least 3 days available per week, preferably 5 days during internship
          4. Recruiting Process
          5. How to Apply
          Please send your CV (EN&CN) and Cover Letter (EN) to: Careers.China@adlittle.com,
          CV deadline: Oct 22, 2010 (Shanghai), Oct 29, 2010(Beijing)
          Tips for sending C.V:
          1. Subject:
          (For Full-time application): University Name_Major_Grade_Name
          (For Part-time application): Intern_University Name_Major_Grade_Name
          2. Attachment file name: University Name_Major_Grade_Name_EN/CN.doc/pdf
          6. Campus Talk Speaker Profile
          Dr. Thomas Schiller,
          Managing Director of Arthur D. Little China
          Dr. Schiller is Managing Director of ADL based in Beijing office. He has been with ADL for more than 11 years and his main emphases are on: Strategy and Organization, Corporate Finance, Innovation and Performance Improvement. Before he started working with Arthur D.
          ittle Dr. Schiller was engaged in different functions in industry as well as in research for eight years. He was working in the Department “Strategic Planning” of Siemens AG, Erlangen. Dr. Schiller studied mechanical engineering at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Science in Nuremberg. Afterwards he completed a second study in business administration and management science at the University of Bamberg, parallel to his assignment with Siemens AG. Further Dr. Schiller received a PhD from the University of Bamberg for the thesis "competence management for engineering and construction companies".
          Mr. Yann Cohen,
          Director of Arthur D. Little
          Mr. Cohen is Director based in ADL Shanghai office and responsible for the Energy & Chemicals practice and the Financial Institution practice in Greater China. Yann has gained more than 12 years of top management consulting and investor support experience in Asia / China and Europe focusing on performance and growth (M&A, JV and green-field) especially in Energy / Utilities, Chemicals / Resources and Consumer Services. Prior to consulting, Yann worked 3 years in Medical & Biological Engineering (Europe/USA). Yann holds various academic degrees from ENPC (Paritech) and ENSEEIHT: MBA, Post-Grad in Medical & Bio engineering, MSc Electronics & Telecom and BSc Physics & Chemistry.
          Mr. Michael Tse,
          Director of Arthur D. Little
          Mr. Tse is Director of Arthur D. Little and responsible for the FMCG/Retail and Logistics/Transportation practice and the operation management practice in Greater China. Michael has over 20 years of experience in industry and management consulting in Greater China, Asia and USA. Michael holds a M.E degree in Resource Management and a M.S degree in Applied Mechanics from Harvard University and B.S degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Southern California.
          附件:Arthur D. Little 2011年校園招聘宣講會.pdf



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