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          發布時間:2010-09-16  截至日期:已過期  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉
          銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:招聘 江蘇 信息 and 分公司 China Allianz

          Title: JS-Banc
          Department: DM-Banc
          No.: 1
          Location: Jiangsu Province

          ü 了解銀行渠道合作模式;
          ü 了解銀保部門日常工作流程;
          ü 協議后援各崗位完成日常事務性工作;

          ü 本科在讀,經濟、管理類專業,保險學優先;
          ü 優秀的溝通和邏輯思維能力,工作認真細致、責任心強
          ü 溝通協調能力突出,服務意識強,對需求可以給予快速響應
          ü 每周全職工作5天

          Payment: RMB 60/d, RMB 7/h for overtime.
          How to apply:

          Application deadline: 2010年9月30日

          About Allianz
          Allianz China Life was founded on January 25, 1999.  Its shareholders are Allianz Group, the German financial services conglomerate, and CITIC Trust Co., Ltd. In 2006, the company changed its name from Allianz Dazhong to Allianz China Life.

          Combining the best of international risk management and local capital management and financial expertise, Allianz China Life won a strong reputation for professional, customized products and services. To meet the comprehensive needs of its customers, the joint venture offers all lines of life, retirement, investment, education, health and accident insurance products and services to individual and group customers through agency sales teams, banks, brokers and direct sales.

          Allianz China Life focuses on customers' needs and satisfaction, quickly responding to clients' requirements with solutions of high efficiency and quality. It has established an all-sides service channel in order to build a first-class service system.

          Since establishment in 1999, Allianz China Life steadily grew its business and has intensified its market expansion throughout all of China. The company has now established 7 branches with over 60 sales service centers around China.  After completing its sales network in Pearl River Delta in the South and Yangtze River Delta in China East coast, the company also started penetrating into western China and north China in the recent years.  Up to 2008, Allianz China Life developed a sales force of over 13000 agents and cooperated with more than 10 bank partners.

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