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          發布時間:2011-01-12  截至日期:已過期  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉
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          American Frank International Investment Group
           American Frank International Investment Group is based on the funds from multinational groups in developed EU countries and from world-famous, financially component institutions.  American Frank engages in international investment, international technology and cultural communication. We organize investors from America, Canada, Israel and some EU countries to collaborate with Chinese enterprises in the interest of international cooperation. American Frank International Investment Group headquarters locates in Washington and has branch offices throughout developing Asian nations. Our business involves joint development on high-tech projects, introducing advanced technology and equipment, organizing international cooperation among enterprises, aiding registered enterprises to apply international low-interest loan and finding cooperation partners. In particular, high-tech items are related to industry, public and environmental protection realms. Specifically, the realms include infrastructure, electronics, chemical industry, environmental production, biological engineering, chemical industry, medicine manufacturing, textile, food and animal husbandry. Meanwhile, direct investments contain wrapping paper, pharmaceutical manufacturing, deep-processing of agricultural food, manufacturing automobiles components, infrastructure construction,   environmental protection and high technology .Our company strives to promote the cooperation and communication of the business and industrial sectors of China with renowned enterprises from many developed countries. To encourage an exchange of information related to economics and trade, American Frank International Investment Group provides many services to Chinese government authorities and enterprises. Namely, American Frank International Investment Group:
          (1) Introduces projects and assists Chinese companies to enter economic markets in the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
          (2) Develops partnerships between Chinese enterprises and international corporations from the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
          (3) Acts as an agent for business and trade affairs in US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
          (4) Encourages and assists Chinese enterprises to visit the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
          (5) Offers training to Chinese enterprises visiting overseas nations;
          (6) Encourages and assists Chinese enterprises to attend business exhibitions in the US, Canada, Northern Europe and South East Asia;
          (7) Assists Chinese enterprises during their travels in the US, Canada, Northern Europe, and South East Asia. 
          American Frank International Investments Group is one of the biggest investment companies in the US. Our agency has branch offices in more than 50 countries and districts. American Frank forms a global business web. We have received high investors’ credibility based on our capital administration experience and our strong relationships with our business partners. 
            1、為中國引進項目,協助中國外向型企業開拓美國、加拿大、 北歐、東南亞地區市場。2、尋求美國、加拿大、北歐、東南亞地區商貿合作伙伴 3、代 理美國、加拿大、北歐、東南亞地區經貿業務。4、協助策劃中國企業家去美國、加拿大、 北歐、東南亞地區商務考察。5、舉辦出國項目培訓。6、協助參加美國、加拿大、東南亞地區 、歐洲商展。7、接待美國、加拿大、東南亞地區、 歐洲商務旅行。
          北京代表處電話:  電話:01082830119 / 01080937059    傳真: 01082830119/01062950847
          手機: 15210595675,15007144697網址: Http://www.USAFRK. com
          郵編:  100085郵箱:1,ouholi2009@126.com 2,lewis0605@163.com 
                 美國弗蘭克國際投資集團主要業務是以歐盟發達國家跨國集團及世界著名金融機構為依托,專門從事國際技術、組織美國、加拿大、以色列、歐盟各國及東南亞地區的投資商與中國大陸企業開展廣泛的項目聯合開發,企業國際合作。因業務拓展需要,誠聘下述人才:1、聘用有專科以上學歷或有1-2年工作經歷有開拓精神的社會人才2、歡迎各大學,職校,大一、大二、大三、應屆畢業生(專科生、本科生、研究生)前來實習。招聘職位:、翻譯助理、總經理助理、,高級文員,項目助理、、經理助理、文秘,,實習期間表現優秀者予以正式聘用。若被聘用工作優秀者送出國學習。正式員工底薪3000元。上不封頂。辦理國家規定繳納的所有保險。要求:目前僅限女性,身高:160cm-以上, 專科以上學歷。 (專業不限。)教育,英文專業優先。另需電子、計算機,機械、農業、生物等畢業生。 應聘者請交:電子簡歷。內容必須包括:姓名、性別、身高、出生年月、愛好特長、父母工作情況、標準照/生活照各一張2、注意我單位接收電子簡歷 。但只有我們收到資料初步審核后,我們才會回復您何時面試。(因人數有限,請盡快答復何時能最早何時能實習來面試的時間,此答復可用郵件。請說明應聘者最好先將簡歷發電子郵件直接與馬先生聯系。手機:15210595675電話:    010-62950847 聯系人:馬先生。E-mail: xiao1959626@163.com

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