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          發布時間:2011-10-24 17:10  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉

          Arthur D. Little, founded in 1886, is the world’s first management consultancy. It was founded by Arthur Dehon Little and Roger Griffin who together were pioneers in the area of “management consulting.” Imagine in the early 1900s companies seeking knowledge from an external party to support their R&D strategies or to provide assistance with their technological endeavors not knowing that this knowledge would one day contribute to societal breakthroughs such as synthetic penicillin and the Nasdaq stock exchange. These breakthroughs did occur and it was a reality that two scientists never expected!

          For over 120 years, the Arthur D. Little name has been synonymous with technological ingenuity and innovative thinking. Arthur D. Little’s management consulting services were historically sought after not only by corporations but also by state and federal agencies and governments worldwide. Its project work focused on corporate finance, environmental risk, information management, operations, strategy and organization, technology and innovation, and a host of other services to maintain the competitiveness of its clients. Today, Arthur D. Little has a range of showcases for its ground breaking thought leadership including Prism, its twice per year journal that touches on emerging industry trends, strategic thinking and operational excellence.

          Arthur D. Little’s success can be attributed to its professionals and business methodologies. Our professionals approach projects by getting to the heart of the question. From there, information is extrapolated, reviewed and assessed to determine more effective ways to operate, go to market, and increase revenues. Success is not based on a single action, but on the collective actions of the team. By working side-by-side™ with our clients, we prove to them that we are just as strongly committed as they are in understanding and addressing their challenges. Arthur D. Little is not a bureaucratic culture but one that is collaborative and forward thinking. Our people consistently epitomize those values via the way projects are defined and managed throughout their lifecycle.

          In today’s world, our professionals are looking at topics as diverse as the sustainability of transportation biofuels, solutions for the private equity sector or the licensing strategies for biopharmaceutical companies. Dr. Michael Träm, Arthur D. Little’s Global CEO, states, “Our firm’s deep industry knowledge linked to our strong expertise in strategy, technology and innovation helps us solve our clients’ most complex business issues while delivering sustainable results to their businesses. Our clients recognize this value and seek us out when faced with these challenges. As we continue to expand our market presence and take on projects that enrich the career goals of our professionals, the next 100 years of Arthur D. Little will be just as exciting as its first century!”


              理特顧問公司是全球管理咨詢的開山鼻祖,由管理咨詢界的先驅科學家Arthur Dehon Little和Roger Griffin于1886年創建。二十世紀初期的企業,為了支持研發戰略和技術發展紛紛向外尋求知識來源,誰會想到這些知識有朝一日會產生合成青霉素和納斯達克這些能改變世界的力量。這確實發生了,也是這兩位科學家所沒有預見到的!

                  120多年來,理特一直是技術創新和創新思維的同義詞。向理特尋求幫助的不僅有全球各地的各個行業的公司,還包括政府機構和非盈利組織。理特的業務范圍涉及企業管理的每一個方面,如公司財務、環境風險、信息管理、運營、戰略和組織、技術和創新以及其他很多幫助客戶保持競爭力的領域。今天,理特這些突破性的成果都展示在 《棱鏡》 這本半年一次的期刊中,主題涉及新興行業的趨勢、戰略思考和運營卓越等。


              今天,我們的專業顧問在探究各種客戶最關注的、最前沿的也是最具有挑戰性的問題,例如:生物燃料的可持續發展,私募股本的解決方案或是生物制藥公司的許可證策略。如理特全球CEO Michael Träm博士所說:“理特憑借自身廣博的行業知識以及將戰略、創新和技術結合在一起的的專業經驗,幫助客戶解決最復雜商業問題,同時提供可持續解決方案。客戶正是因為認可了這種價值,才會在面臨挑戰和困難時向我們尋求幫助。隨著我們事業的蓬勃發展和顧問經驗的不斷拓寬,相信理特的下一個100年將會像上一個100年一樣輝煌!


          Position 招聘職位

          Business Analyst 商務分析員

          Major Responsibilities工作職責

          ·Participate project and work intensively with project management to ensure successful delivery of project objectives and client expectations

          ·Support senior staff to build and strengthen the firm’s market position and brand as one of the key multinational management consulting firms in China across the key focus industries

          ·Develop knowledge and experience in case work, client management or innovative product/service development to improve case work or follow-up projects

          ·Support the development of new methodologies and products, marketing activities and presentations to raise firm performance and profile


          Requirements 資歷要求

          · Master/bachelor degree from one of top universities in and out of China, major in management, engineering, chemistry, economics etc. is preferred

          ·Strong track record in education

          ·Working and intern experiences in world top management consulting firm will be an extra plus

          ·Working and intern experiences in automotive, manufacturing, chemical, petrochemical, oil & gas, utilities, etc. will be an extra plus  有汽車、制造、化工、石化、油氣、公共事業行業工作和實習經驗者將優先考慮

          ·Basic skills in analysis and problem solving are essential. In addition, ability to make quality judgments and strength in strategic thinking will be required

          ·Ability to work in a fast paced environment with multiple priorities 適應多任務快節奏的工作環境

          ·Business-level fluent in both spoken and written Mandarin Chinese and English  流利的商務中英文說寫能力



          Internship 實習生

          Major responsibility 工作職責

          ·Conduct desk research and phone calls to collect data
          ·Support our consultants in face-to-face interviews
          ·Perform analysis and translate into key messages
          ·Create reports in the analysis context to agreed standard and timing

          Requirements 資歷要求

          ·Graduate or undergraduate students expected to graduate in 2012 ·Intensive interests in and passion for pursuing consultancy as a career, internship experience with other top management consulting companies is a plus
          ·Major in automotive, engineering, chemical, energy, EE, business, economics, finance, etc.
          ·Good knowledge and sense of business
          ·Superb listening, speaking, and writing capability in business English and Chinese
          ·Strong computer (PPT, Word and Excel) skills
          ·At least 3 days available per week, preferably 5 days during internship


          • Candidates should send resumes in both English and Chinese to: careers.china@adlittle.com
          • Please indicate year/month of expected graduation in your resumes
          • Please use the following formats as the file names of the resumes and your email subject:
            Resume name: SH/BJ_Position_University Name_Degree_Major_Name_EN/CN
            Email subject: SH/BJ_Position _University Name_Degree_Major_Name
          • The C.V collection deadline is Nov.7,2011
          • Only short-listed candidates will be notified, no phone calls please
          • Please visit our website for our company details: www.adlittle.cn



          Arthur D Little(理特管理顧問有限公司) is one of the world’s premier management consulting firms, with 35 offices in 20 countries worldwide. We advise major corporations and organizations on issues of strategy and operations management. We are recognized as leaders in linking strategy, innovation and technology to solve our clients' most complex business issues, delivering sustainable solutions.



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