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          發布時間:2011-02-06  截至日期:已過期  來源:經濟,金融招聘 查看:打印  關閉
          銀行招聘網(Yinhangzhaopin.com)溫馨提示:凡告知“加qq聯系、無需任何條件、工作地點不限”,收取服裝費、押金、報名費等各種費用的信息均有欺詐嫌疑,請保持警惕。銀行招聘網文章標簽:校園招聘 信息 金融 經濟 人才 2011 樂購

          我們的生活發生著日新月異的變化,Tesco員工出色地應對這些變化。Tesco始創于1919年,最初的形式是Jack Cohen先生在市場里設立的一個小貨攤。"Tesco"作為一個店鋪的品牌于1929年首次在倫敦艾奇韋爾(Edgware)大街亮相。自此,Tesco不斷發展壯大,抓住各種有利商機,在諸多領域引領創新潮流。
          90年代初期,我們面臨強大的競爭,制定新的發展戰略變得刻不容緩。我們當時擅長于商品買賣,但卻逐漸忽略了我們的顧客。1997年,Terry Leahy爵士出任首席執行官后,向顧客提出了這樣一個簡單的問題:"我們究竟做錯了什么?"此后,我們開始更多地關注和致力于顧客認為重要的事情。比如,我們推出了會員積分卡計劃(Clubcard),并創建網站(Tesco.com)提供網上家庭購物服務。


          Recruitment Schedule 時間安排
          2011/01/30- 2010/03/13 Online Application 在線申請
          2011/03/19 Written Test  筆試
          2011/03/28- 2011/03/31 Phone Interview 電話面試
          2011/04/17- 2011/04/22 Assessment Centre 評估中心
          2011/05/16- 2011/05/20 Offering 發放錄取通知書
          Office Graduates Programme 總部管理培訓生項目  
          Currently we've got fantastic opportunities in Commercial Buying, Trading, Law and Technical, Marketing, Operation Support, Operation Model Development, split among Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.

          The Program is a 12-month Fast-Track scheme. It will be challenging and stretching and we are looking for strong, driven individuals who will contribute to the business from day one. You will need to show that you can work effectively in a team, but that you are also able to take responsibility and use your initiative. You'll have lots of opportunities to demonstrate what you can do and what you're made of.

          To drive our business growth rapidly and make your mark, you will be為了推動我們的業務快速增長,我們需要您具備:

          Bachelor degree or above 本科或以上學歷;
          Interested in, and with understanding of retail對零售業充滿興趣;
          An aptitude for numbers對數字敏感;
          Ability to communicate in English良好的英文溝通能力;
          Passion to do a great job有熱情;
          Confidence to be part of a large team自信;
          Skills to think creatively有創造性思維;
          Able to influence others and have excellent interpersonal skills較強的影響力及溝通技巧;
          Driven and determined to learn and deliver for the customer in a challenging environment 較強的自我驅策力,并愿意在充滿挑戰的環境中通過學習為顧客傳遞價值
          Ready to see it as an opportunity that your job is not 100% defined and the individual capability and potential can influence the job 適應變革,并將個人能力及潛力作為影響工作的重要因素

            Operation Graduates Programme 營運管理培訓生項目
          Currently, we have:
          East region: stores in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Huzhou, Shaoxing, Yixing, Xiaoshan, Yiwu, Wenling, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Kunshan, Hefei, bangbu, etc
          North region: stores in Tianjin, Beijing, Langfang, Qinhuangdao, etc
          Northeast region: stores in Shenyang, Dalian, Dandong, Changchun, Jilin, Liaoyang, etc
          Shandong region: stores in Jinan, Qingdao, Weifang, etc
          South region: stores in Guangzhou, Shunde, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Xiamen etc


          We believe that the company growth base on employee's development. This is not only Tesco's a fast-growing dynamic, but also Tesco's assurance of continuously provide high quality service. With the development of the company, we also look forward to training more outstanding operation management talents; the following is related information of operation graduates


          1. Become a junior store management person after one year's training.
          2. Assist to department manager to carry out the company's service policies, operating  standards and norms; 協助部門經理執行公司服務政策、營運標準和規范
          3. Lead the team to achieve KPI帶領團隊努力達成各項KPI指標
          4. Monitor the daily work etc. 監督課內員工日常工作的開展等

          To drive our business growth rapidly and make your mark, you will be為了推動我們的業務快速增長,我們需要您具備:

          Bachelor degree or above 本科或以上學歷;
          Interested in, and with understanding of retail對零售業充滿興趣;
          Be passion in retail industry對高速快捷的零售行業充滿熱情
          Be able to take responsibility and under strong work pressure, working hard and to adapt to shift work敢于承擔責任和較強的工作壓力,認真努力,能適應倒班工作
          Have a strong drive不甘于平庸,有強烈的自我驅動力
          Logical thinking and good execution skills有清晰的思路和良好的執行力
          Strong team spirit有極強的團隊合作精神
          Ability to communicate in English良好的英文溝通能力;
          Good communication skills and strong affinities有良好的溝通能力和容易接近的親和力

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