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          時間:2020-05-29 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
          Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers are.
          The changes, if widely adopted, would have implications for global telecommunications networks and large corporate data centers, but also for small household networks. The benefits, proponents say, would be more flexible and secure networks that are less likely to suffer from congestion. Someday, they say, networks might even be less expensive to build and operate. The new approach could allow for setting up on-demand "express lanes" for voice and data traffic that is time-sensitive. Or it might let big telecommunications companies, like Verizon or AT&T, use software to combine several fiber optic backbones temporarily for particularly heavy information loads and then have them automatically separate when a data rush hour is over. For households, the new capabilities might let Internet service providers offer remote services like home security or energy control.
          The foundation's organizers also say the new technologies will offer ways to improve computer security and could possibly enhance individual privacy within the e-commerce and social networking markets. Those markets are the fastest-growing uses for computing and network resources. While the new capabilities could be crucial to network engineers, for business users and consumers the changes might be no more noticeable than advances in plumbing, heating and air-conditioning. Everything might work better, but most users would probably not know - or care - why or how.
          The members of the Open Networking Foundation will include Broadcom, Brocade, Ciena, Cisco, Citrix, Dell, Deutsche Telekom, Ericsson, Facebook, Force10, Google, Hewlett-Packard, I.B.M., Juniper, Marvell, Microsoft, NEC, Netgear, NTT, Riverbed Technology, Verizon, VMWare and Yahoo. "This answers a question that the entire industry has had, and that is how do you provide owners and operators of large networks with the flexibility of control that they want in a standardized fashion," said Nick McKeown, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Stanford, where his and colleagues' work forms part of the technical underpinnings, called OpenFlow.
          The effort is a departure from the traditional way the Internet works. As designed by military and academic experts in the 1960s, the Internet has been based on interconnected computers that send and receive packets of data, paying little heed to the content and making few distinctions among the various types of senders and receivers of information. The intelligence in the original Internet was meant to reside largely at the end points of the network - the computers - while the specialized routing computers were relatively dumb post offices of various size, mainly confined to reading addresses and transferring packets of data to adjacent systems. But these days, when cloud computing means a lot of the information is stored and processed on computers out on the network, there is growing need for more intelligent control systems to orchestrate the behavior of thousands of routing machines. It will make it possible, for example, for managers of large networks to program their network to prioritize certain types of data, perhaps to ensure quality of service or to add security to certain portions of a network. The designers argue that because OpenFlow should open up hardware and software systems that control the flow of Internet data packets, systems that have been closed and proprietary, it will cause a new round of innovation focused principally upon the vast computing systems known as cloud computers.
          1. What is the main purpose of the Open Networking Foundation?
          A.To set new standards for computer networking
          B.To make networks less expensive to build and operate
          C.To enhance the capabilities of network engineers
          D.To promote cloud computing
          【東吳教育解析】根據題干關鍵詞Open Networking Foundation,可以定位到文章第一段最后一句:The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers are. 這說明了Open Networking Foundation的目標是使得在斯坦福和加州大學伯克利分校研發的技術標準化。A選項表述準確。
          2. "Orchestrate" in Para.5 probably means -------.
          A.integrate     B.harmonize     C.comply     D.conform
          【東吳教育解析】orchestrate的意思是和諧地安排; 精心策劃;其意思和D選項(使協調一致)最為接近。A選項表示融入,B選項表示和諧,C選項表示服從,均不符合句意。
          3. The possible benefits of the standardized technologies will not include -------.
          A.improved computer security
          B.growing use of computing in the e-commerce market
          C.software for data rush hours
          D.networks that are less expensive to build
          【東吳教育解析】文章第二段說到:The benefits, proponents say, would be more flexible and secure networks that are less likely to suffer from congestion. Someday, they say, networks might even be less expensive to build and operate(對應D選項). The new approach could allow for setting up on-demand "express lanes" for voice and data traffic that is time-sensitive(對應C選項).文章第三段也說了:The foundation's organizers also say the new technologies will offer ways to improve computer security(對應A選項);唯獨B選項沒有提到。
          4. Which of the following is NOT true about OpenFlow according to the passage?
          A.It is an initiative of Nick McKeown and his colleagues.
          B.It deviates from the traditional Internet.
          C.It is meant to help with the storing and processing of information on computers.
          D.It will trigger new innovations in the field of cloud computing.
          【東吳教育解析】文章第四段最后提到了Nick McKeown, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Stanford, where his and colleagues' work forms part of the technical underpinnings, called OpenFlow. (對應A選項)。第五段開頭提到了The effort is a departure from the traditional way the Internet works. (對應B選項)The designers argue that because OpenFlow should open up hardware and software systems that control the flow of Internet data packets, systems that have been closed and proprietary, it will cause a new round of innovation focused principally upon the vast computing systems known as cloud computers.(對應D選項)唯獨C選項沒有提到。
          5. It can be inferred from the passage that -------.
          A.People will have a better understanding of the distinctions between computers and networks thanks to cloud computing.
          B.The open networking foundation will be led by Stanford and the university of California, Berkeley.
          C.With the setting of new standards, operators of large networks will have more flexibility of control.
          D.Cloud computing will involve more routing computers than the traditional internet.
          【東吳教育解析】文章最后一段提到了:when cloud computing means a lot of the information is stored and processed on computers out on the network, there is growing need for more intelligent control systems,說明隨著信息的增加,對智能控制的需求也在增長,而Open Networking Foundation的工作可以很好滿足這個需求。C選項(新的行業標準的設定可以讓網絡運行商有著更靈活的控制)。



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