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          時間:2020-08-11 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
            Text 1
            French Fries and the Economy
            The economic crisis spread as currencies in other Southeast Asian nations began to drop. The Indonesian rupiah began to fall in December, and eventually would lose more than 80 percent of its dollar value. Meanwhile, about $50 million dollars per day were transferred out of Indonesia to the relative safety of Singapore’s banks.
            The French fry is but one indicator or economic prosperity. The more a country develops economically, the more French fries people consume. The reverse is also true; when economic falter, French fries and fast-foods become a luxury that fewer can afford. In Indonesia, the currency crisis saw the price of a Big Mac triple. Because restaurants paid for imported wholesale fries in dollars, their costs soared. Customers could not meet price increases, and began to consume rice and egg dishes that McDonald’s added to their Indonesia menus. But McDonald’s sales plunged. Theirs and other US stores became targets for critics of globalization. One third of the restaurants that purchased French fries from Simplot were burned, including about 10 McDonald’s. Anti-foreign and anti-Chinese riots to follow took 500 lives.
            In view of the Indonesian crisis, the Hutterites’ potatoes were diverted to Singapore’s more stable economy. On an early evening there Ernest Enver — a descendant of Russian Jews — met his wife Becky and three children in one of Singapore’s McDonald’s. Becky is of Chinese heritage, and the family is Roman Catholic. They ordered up servings of fries that took only seven minutes to reach crispy brown perfection.
            51. What is the article mainly about?
            A. The disadvantages of globalization.
            B. The economic crisis in Southeast Asia.
            C. The relationship between the consumption of French fries and economy.
            D. The business condition of McDonald’s in Indonesia.
            52. According to paragraph one, why were large amounts of money transferred out of Indonesia everyday?
            A. Because many people in Indonesia were losing jobs due to the economic crisis.
            B. Because the value of rupiah was declining.
            C. Because Indonesians could not afford food any longer.
            D. Because the Singaporean banks were much safer.
            53. According to the article, how do French fries indicate economic conditions?
            A. The richer a country’s residents are, the more they can afford to consume French fries.
            B. The more prosperous a country’s economy is, the more luxurious the fast foods become.
            C. The poorer a country’s economic condition is, its residents are less likely to consume French fries.
            D. People tend to consume more fast foods when they are not able to afford rice and egg dishes.
            54. The word “falter” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _______________.
            A. waver B. develop C. lose strength D. weak
            55. Why could not customers afford French fries when the currency crisis broke out?
            A. Because the cost of importing fries increased.
            B. Because rice and egg dishes became cheaper.
            C. Because the restaurants in Indonesia used dollars to buy fries.
            D. Because fast foods gradually lost popularity in Southeast Asia.
            Text 2
            There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals. Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possible months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.
            The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-range goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.
            Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.
            56. Our long-term goals mean a lot _______________
            A. if we complete our short-range goals
            B. if we cannot reach solid short-term goals
            C. if we write down the dates
            D. if we put forward some plans
            57. New short-term goals are building upon _______________.
            A. two years
            B. long-term goals
            C. current activities
            D. the goals that have been completed
            58. When we complete each step of our goals _______________.
            A. we will win final success
            B. we are overwhelmed
            C. we should build up confidence of success
            D. we should have strong desire for setting new goals
            59. Once our goals are drawn up _______________.
            A. we should stick to them until we complete them
            B. we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunities
            C. we had better wait for the exciting news of success
            D. we have made great decision
            60. It is implied but not stated in the passage that _______________.
            A. those who have long-term goals will succeed
            B. writing down the dates may discourage you
            C. the goal is only a guide for us to reach our destination
            D. everyone should have a goal
            Text 3
            4 JUNE — readers of one of the largest business newspapers in Singapore can now access the paper to the Web. The Shenton Way Gazettelaunched www.shentonwaygazette.comyesterday, and the web site already has thousands of registered users.
            “We are extremely pleased to offer enterprise professionals an even more convenient way to keep themselves informed,” said the Gazette’s editor in chief, Nathan Wong. At a news conference immediately after the launch. The Gazette, which reports on national and international business news, began as a free newspaper geared toward local small-business owners but is now distributed throughout the city.
            Although the Gazette will continue to be published and distributed Monday to Friday, some stories will be updated on the web site several times a day. “Readers will be able to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings online while still enjoying the in-depth comprehensive reporting the paper is famous for” Mr. Wong said.
            Every story on the site will have a form at the end through which readers can post comments or e-mail the writer directly. “We hope to make the site a hub for interaction,” said Mr. Wong. As the city’s main business newspaper, we need to hear from Singaporean business professionals.”
            The Gazette will be celebrating twenty years of publication on 27 July. A special print edition of the paper will contain a commemorative insert featuring a detailed time line of its history and accompanying photos of the central business district through the years. The paper’s online archives are also scheduled to open that day, granting readers access to every article since the inception of the Gazette.
            61. Why was the article written?
            A. To celebrate a company’s fifth anniversary.
            B. To publicize a new service.
            C. To profile an editor in chief.
            D. To describe a business opportunity.
            62. When did the web site launch?
            A. On July 26. B. On July 27. C. On June 4. D. On June 3.
            63. What is indicated about the regular print edition of the Gazette?
            A. It covers national events.
            B. It is distributed internationally.
            C. It contains color photographs.
            D. It is printed every day of the week.
            64. According to the article, how can readers use the web site?
            A. To contact reporters. B. To e-mail articles.
            C. To join a mailing list. D. To place an advertisement.
            65. The word “granting” in paragraph 5, is closest in meaning to _______________.
            A. acknowledging B. naming C. permitting D. transferring
            Text 4
            Dear Mr. Camarra,
            I understand you are looking for a “Girl Friday”— someone to take control of the critical administrative and customer service function at your location in Pinehurst, Ontario. If you’re looking for a motivated and hardworking professional with an above-average performance record, outstanding interpersonal skills, and a “get it done” attitude, I think you’ve found the best person for the job.
            Over the past few years, while working for Group Six Security, I have routinely met with your company’s representatives. From this contact, I have gained an understanding of the work that you do and an appreciation for your need for strong administrative support. In my current role with TGO Consulting. I do just that: managing all critical administration for the company and supporting the activities of 30 consultants and project managers.
            I invite you to review my attached resume, which details the skills and experience I offer. Highlights include:
            1. Strong communication and interpersonal skills — personable and friendly, with the ability to work well with colleagues, superiors, clients, and vendors
            2. Extensive administrative and office support skills — includes invoice, billing, scheduling, A / P and A / R, file management, and date entry
            3. Outstanding customer service — Edward-winning performance providing friendly and effective customer service in both corporate and retail environments
            4. Self-motivated and hardworking — personally love challenges, extremely quick learner, and motivated to exceed expectations
            I believe that my strong skills and solid work ethic would make a significant contribution to your team, and I would welcome the opportunity to meet in person to discuss this position and why I believe I am the strongest candidate you will see.
            Thank you for your consideration. I will contact you soon to arrange a personal interview.
            66. Which of the following words is INCORRECT in describing Purdeep Mehta?
            A. Proactive. B. Perseverant. C. Experienced. D. Arrogant.
            67. What does “Girl Friday” in paragraph 1 mean?
            A. A staff that is in charge of the critical administrative and customer service.
            B. A girl who will work on Friday.
            C. A staff that supports the consultants and mangers’ activities.
            D. A girl who is responsible for the security.
            68. It can be inferred from the passage that _______________.
            A. Purdeep Mehta and Mr. Camarra have known each other for a while.
            B. Purdeep Mehta often observes the staff’s working conditions to learn about the job.
            C. Purdeep Mehta not satisfied with her current role with TGO Consulting.
            D. Puedeep Mehta learns about the duty of the job because she has met the company’s employees in the past.
            69. Which of the following is NOT a skill that Purdeep Mehta has?
            A. Office support skills.
            B. Strong communication skills.
            C. Outstanding customer service.
            D. Strong calculation ability.
            70. What dose Purdeep Mehta expect after Mr.Camarra receives her cover letter?
            A. A greeting. B. A thank-you letter.
            C. A job offer. D. A personal meeting.



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