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          時間:2020-08-12 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
            46. Because of a _____ engagement, Lora couldn’t attend my birthday party last Saturday.
            A. pioneer B. premature C. prior D. past
            47. No new investments or acquisitions will be made without the _______ of Kolsen Reconds’ board of directors.
            A. convenience B. adoption C. sanction D. event
            48. ______ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.
            A. Because B. For C. Since D. While
            49. The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are ______.
            A. intricate B. fragile C. subtle D. crisp
            50. Hill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only ______ the crisis.
            A. accelerates B. prevails C. ascends D. precedes
            46.【答案】C。解析:考查詞義辨析。句意:因為另有安排在先,上周六Lora沒能參加我的生日晚會。pioneer (n.) 先驅者,創始人,開拓者;premature不成熟的;prior優先的,在前的,符合句意;past過去的。故答案選C。
            47.【答案】C。解析:考查名詞辨析。句意:沒有Kolsen Records董事會的批準,不能進行新的投資及收購。convenience方便;adoption采用,采納;sanction制裁;批準;event事件。結合句意可知應選C。



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