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          時間:2020-08-27 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
            1. The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a -------common in many parts of thecity.
            A. look
            B. sign
            C. sight
            D. appearance
            2.------------achievement, last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade.
            A. in terms of
            B. in case of
            C. as a result of
            D. in the face of
            3. Nancy's gone to work but her car's still here. She-----by bus 。
            A. must have gone
            C. ought to have gone
            B. should have gone
            D. could have gone
            4. It is high time they a ---------delicious supper
            A. have
            B. had
            C. have been
            D. has been
            5. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He in no longer the man ------was fifteen years ago.
            A. which
            B. whom
            C. who
            D. that
            6. When you have finished with the book, don't forget to return it to Tim, -------?
            A. do you
            B. will you
            C. don't you
            D. won't you
            7. He ------the guitar when I went to see him last night.
            A. has been playing
            B. had played
            C. was playing
            D. played
            8. No one can avoid-----by advertisements.
            A. to be influenced
            B. having influenced
            C. influenced
            D. being influenced
            9. The woman over there is----mother.
            A. Julia and Shelley's
            B. Julia's and Shelley's
            C. Julia and Shelley
            D. Julia's and shelley
            10. They got married 20 years ago, they---- since 1990
            A. marry
            B. married
            C. have married
            D. have been married
            11. To my surprise, he made a--------by himself.
            A. sixteen-meters-long boat
            B. long sixteen-meter
            C. sixteen-meter-long
            D. sixteen meter long.
            12. Paper produced every year is heavier the world's production of vehicles.
            A. the three times weight of
            B. three times the weight of
            C. as three times as
            D. three times as heavier as
            13. Mr. Black is an----in the army, not an -----in the government. You can not easilyfind himin his----。
            A. official; officer; office
            B. officer; office; official
            C. official; official; official
            D. officer: official; office
            14. What you said sounded but in fact it was untrue.
            A. reasonable
            B. reasonful
            C. reasonless
            D. unreason
            15. When you read this paper, you'd better make a mark you have questions.
            A. at which
            B. at where
            C. the place where
            D. where



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