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          時間:2022-07-07 來源:銀行考試網 點擊:
            SHANGHAI/SAN FRANCISCO(Reuters) - Tesla removed the word “autopilot” and a Chinese term for “self-driving” from its China website after a driver in Beijing who crashed in “autopilot” mode complained that the car maker overplayed the function’s capability and misled buyers.
            The Tesla driver crashed earlier this month while on a Beijing commuter highway after the car failed to avoid a vehicle parked on the left side, partially in the roadway, damaging both cars but causing no injures.
            It was the first known such crash in China,though it follows a fatal accident in Florida earlier this year that put pressure on the auto executive and regulators to tighten rules for automated driving.
            “At Tesla we are continuously making improvements , including to translations” a Tesla spokeswoman said in an emailed statement to Reuters.
            “We have been in the process of addressing any discrepancies across languages for many weeks. Timing had noting to do with current events or articles.”
            References to autopilot and the term “zidong jiashi”, which most literally translates as self-driving although also means autopilot,were taken off the webpage for the Model S sedan by late Sunday, according to a comparison with an archived version of page.
            Both terms previously appeared several times on the site.
            Instead a phrase that translates as ‘self-assisted driving’ is used.
            Tesla China staff have additionally undergone training in response to the Aug.2 crash to re-emphasize that employees must always keep two hands on the wheel when demonstrating the autopilot function, according to a Tesla employee who was not authorized to speak to the media.
            Reuters was first to report last week that Tesla said it downloaded data from the Beijing car and confirmed it was in autopilot mode at the time of the crash, although the driver was not detected to have his hands on the wheel.
            The spokeswoman for the U.S. automaker is issued a statement saying that the system was not self-driving but merely assistive and that drivers were responsible for always maintaining control of vehicle.
            Other Tesla drivers interviewed by Reuters said China sales staff took their hands off the wheel while demonstrating the function.Under Chinese law, drivers are required to keep two hands on the wheel at all times.
            1、Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?
            A、This is the first fatal accident in its way within China
            B、The driver in such accident blames Tesla for unreasonable pricing
            C、Such crash happend inside Bejing downtown
            D、Tesla is on the right side when it happened
            2、What might the reasons for thus accident happening?
            A、Translation error
            B、Newly-addressed discrepancies
            C、Hand-off autopilot mode
            D、Not mentioned in context above
            3、What might be the reason for Tesla’s renaming on its official website?
            A、Marketing method
            B、Legal Affair
            C、Correct translation error
            D、Up for new discrepancies to be added on Autopilot
            4、What can be inferrde from the passage?
            A、Tesla will paobably improves its autopilot function
            B、Teala is on the way to be prosecuted
            C、Tesla will remove autopilot from all vehicles sold inChina
            D、Tesla is facing bankruptcy in China
            5、What is author trying to imply in final paragraph?
            A、Tesla doesn’t have a strong public relation team in China market
            B、Tesla is implying to its customers that autopilot is without any human intervening
            C、Chinese government mighr want to make regulations towards Tesla after the accident
            D、Tesla could have have improved the system to prevent thus accident

            1、答案:D 【解析】事故并沒有造成傷亡。A錯誤。車主并沒有說價格不合理。B錯誤。C選項說發生在市中心,錯誤。第一段說The Tesla driver crashed earlier this month while on a Beijing commuter highway after the car failed to avoid a vehicle parked on the left side,說明tesla當時是在右邊。D正確。
            2、答案:D 【解析】文章中并沒有說事故的原因是什么
            3、答案:C 【解析】文章中說Instead a phrase that translates as ‘self-assisted driving’ is used。說的是用了不同的翻譯方法,說明是更正了翻譯錯誤。
            4、答案:A 【解析】在一連串事故后,公司很有可能提高他們的自動巡航功能。A正確
            5、答案:B 【解析】China sales staff took their hands off the wheel while demonstrating the function.文章說中國銷售員工在展示產品的時候,手沒有放在方向盤上,說明這家公司暗示他們的車不需要人來駕駛。B選項正確。



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